Most of the things YOU desire ARE actually Possible

I was contemplating about the line “Nothing is Impossible”

Now every time I think of that line I invariably remember the scene in 3 Idiots where I inadvertently remember Aamir’s friend squeezing out the toothpaste from the tube and asking him to put it back… just to prove the impossible nature of certain endeavors. Then my belief on the line starts diminishing.
This morning a nice thought struck me as I was caught up in the legendary traffic of Mumbai enroute to office. Actually, even putting the paste back into the tube is possible. .. Eureka! !
You just need the right tools and the right skillset. And I take pride in belonging to a profession that precisely does that. Training people on the right skillsets and exposing them to the right tools to fulfil their ambitions. Reaffirming their beliefs that if you put in your best and are willing to try… then. . Hey Nothing is Impossible.
The limitations of possibilities are just the limitations of your own belief in your capabilities and the power of universe in assisting you to achieve whatever you set out to achieve. .. Just begin by believing YOU CAN and set out to find ways and you will experience that Most of the things that YOU desire is actually POSSIBLE.

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