Is Happiness a Destination

Taking Suo Moto Cognizance of Life

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” – John Lennon

Now that I have set a context of what I am introspecting on, I feel nice. I sat for about an hour thinking what do I share with the anonymity of this universe where I might have been assigned a guardian angel and who must perhaps be the only one reading it. Come to think of it, wouldn’t he be already knowing it given that he resides in my intellect 🙂

That’s when the introspection threw a thought; Life. Isn’t this consciously or subconsciously always there in our mind.

“Suo Moto” seems to be the buzzword these days. Every authority worth its salt is hell bent on taking suomoto cognizance of something or the other these days and the act seems to be in vogue. Even the otherwise slumber inflicted cops also now have awoken to this word, mercifully. Now with with such brouhaha over this phrase inflicting the intellectual beings in epidemic proportions, I have started thinking that its time that I take suomoto cognizance of the existence..of life. For in the struggle to survive we overlook the living part of it. In a drunken stupor, a sophomore friend of mine had once uttered “We are all Human, We are not Beings” I bet he wouldn’t have ever fathomed the profound intellect behind this seemingly innocuous statement, But then the truth remains… We are not beings… 🙂

What am I talking? Well I am just trying to sculpt my thoughts into a meaningful work of collective introspection. Attempting to give a concrete shape to otherwise wandering purposes of living.

I came across this beautiful quote of Lennon as I have begun this discourse with, in which I too have found a destination. Don’t we all want the same thing outta the journey that we have embarked upon this birth; Happiness.

I definitely do. Do You???

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